Welcome To All

Hey! I’m Keisha the founder of Unikely Expressions, a proud mother of two beautiful daughters and everyone deserves to feel valued and uplifted in their everyday lives. I understand firsthand the challenges and pressures that we not only put on ourselves but by others as well. As women we are our toughest critics so let’s give ourselves and each other a break. Inspired by my own journey and the desire to instill in my daughters the importance of self-love, UniKely Expressions was born. The goal of UniKely Expressions is to uplift and bring positivity to oneself and others. I realized that by taking these small intentional moments to reflect on my self-worth and value can have a huge impact on my life. Each candle or wax melt comes with a positive affirmation that I use daily and journal about and my hope is with one fragrance at a time UniKley Expressions can be that gentle whisper of a friend that reminds you that you are uniquely you and perfect as you are. I have felt all the insecurities, pain, sadness and as if the weight of the world is on my shoulders that’s why it’s so important to take time daily to just breathe.

I have a close relationship with chronic illness and neurological disorders so currently part of our proceeds are donated to help Epilepsy / Seizure Disorders.